
电影控 思想家 自由人 伪文艺 天蝎女

Oscar Schindler, the greatest man in history, is worth of respecting by anyone with conscience . The most impressive scene is the little girl in red,  who is pure and innocent, however, was tortured by the cruel war and died of the unreasonable cause. At that moment, from Schindler's eyes, I know that some kind of kindness still laid down in his deep heart,  which triggerd his actions to save the innocent Jew. At the end of the movie, what impresses me most is the weeping tear dropping down from Schindler's eyes and the sentence "I could have done more".OMG, what a gentleman,  he just like the angel who was sent to the Earth to save the sufferers.

Needless to say, he is remembered by not only the contemporaryJew but also the offspring.

EVERYONE came to his tomb to mourn and show their respect for him. Eventually, the constrained feeling is gone and some kind of  relief swarms into my heart. He is the one that deserves everyting good.Another character I want to mention is Schindler's accountant, the old man, a Jew, who played a significant role in revoking Schindler's kindness hidden in deep heart. Without his efforts, maybe it is difficult for Schindler to see the underprivileged and impoverished from a different angle. Their friendship is also unique and remarkable. In conclusion, the terrible history should not be forgetten.It is our compulsory to carry it to remind our generation of the cruelty and darkness of human's nature. Anyway, Schindler's list is ABSOLUTELY a good movie. Recommended index:★★★★★.

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